Food smoking - links

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Country Farm Lifestyles preserving food at home: freezing, drying, salting, smoking, pickling
Country Skills for Modern Life interesting blogs on smoking and curing excellent little site with information about cold smoking, properties of wood chips and plans to build your own cold smoker
Downsizer 3-day bacon cure
Galloway Smokehouse info on the smoking process for salmon
The Gastronomic Gardener how to build a wooden ‘smoke shack’
the Guardian home smoking recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
the Independent Britain’s best fish smoking area – Grimsby
Mother Earth News get started with smoked foods
Mother Earth News preserve your food with cold smoking
National Center for Home Food Preservation US site with articles about home smoking various foods
OffTheGridNews preserving meat long-term, the old-fashioned way
Oregon State University (pdf) 4-page pdf about smoking fish at home safely
Prepper’s Will smoking meat for long-term storage
Secrets of Survival how to dry and smoke meat in the wild
Smoked Fish A-Z all you need to know about smoked fish
Smoking Pit how to cold smoke meat, nuts and cheese
Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin (pdf) 32-page pdf on how to build a smokehouse
Survival Life how to smoke meat for survival
Wikipedia entry for food smoking
Wikipedia entry for smoked fish

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