Flintknapping - links

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Do it: information, tutorials & resources

Ancient Craft basic tool production techniques (and other stone age information)
Arrowhead – Make Your Own info on making your own flint arrowheads
Dan Long’s Flintknapping Website articles, information and tutorials

flintknapped pieces for sale or show

Flinknapping Articles List

list of online articles, tips, and tutorials

Flintknapping.co.uk tools, information, one-to-one training
Flintknapping Info free e-books on all aspects of flintknapping – incredible resource
Flintknapping Tips youtube channel about flintkapping
Flintknapping Tools US site with huge range of flint, tools etc.
Flint Source website for sourcing flint and similar materials
Onagocag Publishing techniques, illustrations, tutorials
Paleomanjim YouTube youtube channel about flintknapping
PaleoPlanet primitive skills online forum
Principles of Lithic Technology lots of detailed information and instructions
Puget Sound Knappers instructional articles and interesting stuff
Wikipedia entry for lithic reduction, which gives details of flintknapping techniques
Wilderness College how to make arrowheads with illustrations
Will Lord of the Stone Age flints, workshops, events, information

Societies & more general information

Implement Petrology Group international network of archaeologists studying stone tools
The Lithic Share Project international lithics & artefacts database
Lithic Studies Society promoting research into flint and stone tools
Museum of the Stone Age virtual museum with lots of info on stone tools
Neolithic Flint Mine World Heritage Site – ancient flint mines in Belgium
Neolithic Studies Group loose-knit group of archaeologists with an interest in the neolithic period; produce publications
The Prehistoric Society promoting prehistoric research
Projectile Points arrowhead identification guide
Stone Axe Studies Vol 1 free pdf download – chronology, type and distribution of stone axes
Stone Axe Studies Vol 2 free pdf download – examining 7500 stone implements from the British Isles
Wikipedia entry for knapping

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