Fishing - links

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Getting started

Angling Trust representative body for game, coarse and sea anglers in England and Wales.
British Sea Fishing wealth of information and advice on all aspects of shore fishing around the UK
Deep Sea Directory online directory of professional charter boats
Get Hooked guide to angling in South West England
thinkfish-catchfish  a great list of reasons to get out and try fishing (from a recreational perspective)
Wikipedia entry on fishing
Wikipedia entry on fishing techniques
World Sea Fishing Forum online forum for recreational sea anglers


British Disabled Angling Association charity removing barriers for disabled anglers

Sea fishing

Admiralty Tidal Predictions online tide tables
Anglers Mail tips for catching lots of mackerel
Planet Sea Fishing information, articles, reviews, videos; species ID


Plymouth Herald article about venomous weever fish and safety


From The Waters Edge youtube channel – fishing in the UK – a lot of beach fishing videos
Totally Awesome Fishing youtube channel –  fishing in the UK


Wikipedia wikipedia entry on the history of fishing

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