Fair Trade - links

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Buy Fair Trade

British Association of Fair Trade Shops find your local Fair Trade shop
Network of European Worldshops network of over 2000 Fair Trade shops across Europe
Traidcraft lots of Fair Trade products online

Associations & campaigning organisations

Banana Link campaigning for a fair and sustainable banana trade
Clean Clothes improving working conditions in the global garment industry
Ethical Trading Initiative alliance of organisations working for decent labour standards in the High Street supply chain
European Fair Trade Association working to standardise Fair Trade activities across Europe
Fairtrade International international labelling and standards
Fairtrade Foundation ensuring a better deal for small farmers in poor countries
Flocert in charge of the inspection and certification of farmers, workers and traders
Global Trade Watch promoting government and corporate accountability in global trade
Greenheart Project wind & solar freight ships moving aid and fair trade products around the world; poster competition for children
Labour Behind the Label supporting garment workers’ efforts to defend their rights
London Fairtrade Campaign mayor of London’s campaign to make London a Fair Trade city
No Sweat fighting sweatshop bosses worldwide


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