Essential oils - links

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Alchemy very interesting text on the art of distillation from the 17th century
Aromacaring what oils to avoid for a list of diseases and problems
Aromaweb essential oils safety information
Cosmetic Ingredient Review independent research and safety testing of commonly-used raw materials in cosmetics for safety
Good Manufacturing Practice Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) – put good manufacturing practice into their site search facility
Home Distiller home distillation of alcohol
Introduction to distilling on the Home Distiller wiki
Listing of essential oils on Wikipedia
Oils & Plants essential oils information and recipes
Wikipedia entry for essential oil

Professional bodies

Aromatherapy Trade Council regulatory body for the UK essential oil trade; informative articles
Herb Research Foundation researching the health benefits and safety of herbs
International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists information on courses and contact details of qualified / practising aromatherapists both in the UK and abroad

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