Energy saving - links

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Energy saving sites

Centre for Sustainable Energy energy saving tips and advice
DIY Doctor thermostatic radiator valves
DIY Energy Saving Projects advice from the US govt.
Energy Advice Centres local free energy advice around the UK
Energy at Home save energy and find energy-efficient home appliances (and grants) via the EST website
Energy Saving Trust government-funded body set up to promote energy saving in the UK
Money Supermarket top 11 ways to save energy at home
National Energy Foundation simple ways to save energy in the home
Renewable Energy Centre lots of info on domestic energy saving
REUK 36 electricity saving tips

Other information

BBC News what works and what doesn’t – article by the late David Mackay
BBC News interesting article on different kinds of lighting systems – good and bad find an energy assessor become a domestic energy assessor
Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air wonderful online book by the late David Mackay

the Jevons Paradox / rebound effect

Darrin Qualman efficiency, the Jevons Paradox and the limits to economic growth
Do energy-saving measures actually increase energy use? article on our blog
Energy Collective Group efficiency, conservation and the Jevons Paradox
International Association for Energy Economics confronting Jevons’ Paradox: does promoting energy efficiency save energy?
the Jevons Paradox and the Myth of Resource Efficiency Improvements pdf book
the New Yorker the efficiency dilemma
UK Energy Research Centre rebound effect: assessment of evidence


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