Earth-sheltered houses - links

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BBC story about an earth-sheltered house in Wiltshire
Caer Llan functions and group holidays; some of the accommodation is in a berm (earth-sheltered) block
Davis Caves Construction US site of earth-sheltered home developers with lots of information
Earth Sheltered Housing US site; lots of info and case studies
Grand Designs video walk-through of a three-bedroom earth-sheltered house
Hockerton Housing Project earth-sheltered community open to the
public; alternative technology, courses, tours, consultancy, Notts
Mother Earth News article on earth-sheltered homes
Polar Wall supply concrete superstructures for earth-sheltered houses
Sustainable Sources earth shelter design considerations
Underground Homes compilation of underground homes by Californian enthusiasts
Webecoist examples of 16 subterranean eco buildings
Wikipedia more info on earth-sheltering


Earthship Biotecture website of Michael Reynolds, originator of the earthship concept
Earthship Europe open source earthship building for Europe
European Earthship Builders United free manuals and a map of earthships around Europe
Garbage Warrior film about Michael Reynolds and the evolution of earthships
Low Carbon Trust visit an earthship in Brighton
NBC News article – making earthships mainstream
Sustainable Communities Initiative visit an earthship in Fife
Wikipedia entry for earthship

Earth-sheltered houses Resources

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