Earth ovens - links

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Building an earth oven

Appropedia case studies of several ‘earthen’ ovens
the Art of Doing Stuff guide to building a cob oven – with bottles in the base for insulation
Clay Oven Blog Simon has produced this fantastic blog about the earth oven he built
the Cob Oven Project guide to building an outdoor cob pizza oven
Inspiration Green gallery of images of outdoor earth ovens
Mother Earth News build your own wood-fired earth oven
MyPlot more galleries of earth ovens
Permaculture Research Institute guide to building an indoor cob oven with flue
River Cottage building a clay oven – inexplicably on the website of the Met Office
The Simple Art of Making an Earth Oven article by Kiko Denzer in Permaculture Magazine
Simple Nick great guide to building all the parts of an earth oven
YouTube 3-part video guide to building a cob oven

Cooking in an earth oven

Dirt Queen earthen oven breads, curried veggies, beans and more
Dirt Queen earth oven pizza
Forno Bravo 100-page pdf about cooking in a wood-fired oven; not specifically about earth ovens, but lots of useful info
the Fresh Loaf pizza in an earth oven
Mother Earth News better baked bread using wood-fired ovens
Mother Earth News cooking meats with wood-fired ovens
Traditional Oven loads of info about baking in a wood-fired oven (in this case a brick oven, but the info is still relevant

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