Earthbag building - links

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Polypropylene sacks

Couldn’t find any specialist earth bag builders in the UK, or any specialist suppliers of bags or other equipment, but you can google ‘woven polypropylene sacks (or bags)’ and you’ll find plenty of suppliers – you can just compare prices; here are a few to start you off
Davpak handy table with sizes and prices
Dickson reduced prices for larger quantities
LPK Packaging don’t list prices – have to contact them
Packability small range, but list prices


Build Simple series of downloadable pdf booklets on aspects of earthbag construction
Cal-Earth Californian site with lots of earth bag building info
Dream Green Homes large range of building plans for sale that employ earthbags US site, biggest earth-bag building resource on the web – sharing information and promoting earth bag building, with tons of articles, how-to guides etc.
Earthbag House Plans  small, sustainable, affordable earthbag house plans earthbag solutions for disaster-prone regions
Earth Hands & Houses Polish site with info in English on earth building, including earth bag building
Emergency Sandbag Shelter (pdf) pdf guide to building quick and easy earth/sandbag emergency shelter, from Cal-Earth another US site, and another great earth bag building resource
Green Prophet woman builds earth bag, off-grid home in Turkey for $3700
Gypsy Farm another log of the building of a (hybrid) earth bag house in the US
How Stuff Works how earth bag homes work
Instructables how to build an earthbag dome
Mother Earth News introductory article on earth bag building
Mother Earth News low-cost, multi-purpose earthbag building
the Mud very rough guide to building an earthbag house
Network Earth Joseph Kennedy: building with earthbags
Network Earth Kaki Hunter & Donni Kiffmeyer: the honey house
Patti Stouter soil tests for earthbags
Patti Stouter more documents
Precision Structural Engineering Inc. useful information and articles
Rob Wainwright building an earth bag dome (pdf)
YouTube timelapse footage of an earth bag house being built
YouTube earthbag natural building: series of useful videos
Wikipedia entry for earthbag construction
Wikipedia entry for earthbag architect Nader Khalili

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