Cycling - links

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Campaigns / promoting cycling

Bicycle Association of Great Britain trade association for the bicycle industry
Bike Buddies sharing confidence to cycle in cities
British Schools Cycling Association developing youth cycling opportunities
Critical Mass series of bicycle rides that take place in cities across the world, where cyclists hit the roads in huge numbers peer-to-peer bike sharing site
CycleNation federation of local cycle campaign groups
Cycling Embassy of Great Britain campaigning for standards to create an excellent cycling infrastructure in the UK
Cycling UK all things cycling – inc. training
European Cyclists Federation promoting cycling as a healthy form of transportation in Europe
International Bicycle Fund not-for-profit promoting cycling around the world – lots of info
Life Cycle UK helping people take up cycling
Sustrans promoting cycling; national cycle network; cycle routes
Veteran Cycle Club promoting the riding & conservation of old cycles
View From the Cycle Path identifying true mass cycling – comparing the situation in the UK and the Netherlands
Worldwide Cycling Atlas promoting cycling worldwide

Information about cycling

promoting independent bike shops – list of independent bike shops around the UK
bike recycling: put your unwanted bikes or parts to good use
the health benefits of cycling
reviews of bikes and gear, blog
advice and information for anyone thinking of getting into cycling
huge list of cycling topics

Buying a bike

guide to buying a bike (pdf)
list of different types of bike
site for buying & selling second-hand bikes
great guide to everything you need to think about when buying a bike

Bike maintenance

online encyclopedia of bike components
excellent video tutorials
lots of bike maintenance articles
9-page pdf with the basics
over 100 videos on all aspects of bike maintenance
well set-out pages for maintenance of all parts of your bike
lots information from bike guru
basic bike maintenance task schedule

Cycling to work or school

cycle to work and get tax-free bikes
lots of tips about commuting by bike
alliance of organisations delivering the cycle to work scheme
cycling app that shows how much money you’ll save by cycling to work
essential information on commuting by bike
find safe routes to school information from local authorities around the UK
cycle to work scheme implementation guidance
how one school is encouraging more kids to cycle to school
useful articles about cycling to work
information sheet about cycling to school

Cycle touring / long-distance cycling / travelling with bicycles

making available the experience of hundreds of individual bicycle tourists – including taking bikes on trains, ferries etc.
advice for people thinking of cycle touring in the UK
route information for over 90 countries
international listing of people offering a shower / bed / place to pitch tent to touring cyclists

Folding bikes

they love folding bikes
articles on folding bikes
history of folding bikes
society dedicated to folding bikes
links to lots more folding bike information
the folding bike solution
entry for folding bicycle

History of cycling

history of folding bikes
chronology of developments in cycling, going back to 1418
timeline for developments in bicycle technology
National Cycle Museum in Powys
entry for the history of the bicycle

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