Crayfish - links

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General information

Buglife article about crayfish in the UK
Buglife species management factsheet for the native white-clawed crayfish – not for trapping!
Buglife factsheet on creating ‘ark’ sites to protect the white-clawed crayfish
Crayaway information on chinese imports of crayfish
Crayfish World lots of photos
Eden Rivers Trust factsheet on the differences between signal and white-clawed crayfish
Environment Agency factsheet for stopping the spread of ‘alien crayfish and the crayfish plague’
GB Non-native Species Secretariat factsheet on distinguishing signal and UK native crayfish
Inland Waterways information on signal crayfish
Natural England species advice sheet: white-clawed crayfish
Scottish Natural Heritage action on the North American signal crayfish
Wikipedia entry for crayfish
Wikipedia entry for signal crayfish

Trapping crayfish

Advice on how to trap crayfish, plus the debate about whether it’s a good idea. The American signal crayfish was introduced into the UK and has depleted the population of native crayfish because of a fungus it carries. Does trapping them help to keep their numbers down, or does it create a market that means people will breed/introduce them to waters so that their numbers increase?
Environment Agency advice on trapping crayfish
Foraged Foods how to trap signal crayfish
George Monbiot pictoral guide to catching signal crayfish with an unusual type of trap
The Guardian article – why we should eat more crayfish
HunterGatherCook article on catching crayfish with a little line
National Institute of crayfish trappers (NICT) including concerns, illegal traps and code of conduct
ShootingUK crayfish trapping and cooking video
Terry Bullard how to hide your traps to stop people stealing them
TrapperArne what bait to use in your crayfish trap
YouTube how to make a crayfish trap
YouTube how to make a crayfish trap
YouTube how to catch crayfish (UK crayfishing)

The legalities of trapping crayfish

DEFRA application forms and licences for keeping and trapping non-native crayfish
Fish Health Inspectorate investigating disease outbreaks and fish and shellfish businesses policy on freshwater fisheries and non-native species The Alien and Locally Absent Species in Aquaculture (England and Wales) Regulations 2011
Natural Bushcraft good introductory article on the legalities and practicalities of trapping crayfish

Cooking crayfish / crayfish recipes

All Recipes lots of crayfish recipes
BBC Food crayfish recipes
Bite fresh barbecued crayfish
Cook it Simply crayfish salad recipe
Free-Recipes crayfish dip recipe
WikiHow how to purge crayfish before cooking
YouTube how to purge, boil, clean and freeze crayfish
YouTube how to boil crayfish Louisiana style – love the accent
Yummly lots of crayfish salad recipes

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