Coracles & currachs - links

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Associations, clubs & events

Annual Coracle Regatta annual event at Ironbridge, Shropshire
Boyne Curragh Heritage Group aims to conserve and develop the tradition of wicker boat building in the Boyne Valley
Carmarthen Coracle & Netsmen’s Association Facebook page of a group in Wales
The Coracle Society promoting coracles, curraghs and related craft
The National Coracle Centre houses an exhibition of coracles from the UK and around the world, Carmarthenshire

Coracle building online book on the building and history of coracles
Medieval video on coracle-building
Mother Earth News how to build a coracle
Newgrange Currach currach history, construction plans and courses, Ireland
Plywood lath coracle detailed pictoral guide to building a plywood lath coracle
The Coracle Society how to build a coracle

Other information

BBC interesting article on coracles by Martin from the National Coracle Centre
BBC News Magazine coracle fishing tradition passed down through generations – video
Bull Boats crossing rivers, native American style
Cairn Crafts an introduction to coracles
Ceredigion Museum article and photos of coracles in Ceredigion
Coracle crossings article about a coracle ferry across a river in Karnataka, India
Heritage Craft Association entry on coracle making as an heritage craft and it’s viability for makers
Ku-dru or Kowa image of a yak-hide coracle-type boat on a river in Tibet
 A Prehistoric Coracle in Fife (pdf) academic article about the discovery of a Bronze Age grave in Scotland with a coracle used as a coffin
Wikipedia entry for coracle
Wikipedia entry for currach (Ireland)
Wikipedia entry for bull boat (native American)


Edwardian Farm clip on coracle making
NaturalBushcraft how to build a coracle
WoodlandsTV making and sailing coracles
Youtube how to paddle a coracle

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