Composting - links

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Cornell Composting a feasibility study for agricultural composting
Garden Organic how to make compost
Master Composters become a master composter and promote composting in your area
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food factsheet – agricultural composting basics
Recycle Now composting FAQs
Rutgers factsheet on leaf composting
US Composting Council promoting composting in the US
US Environmental Protection Agency composting at home
Wikipedia entry for compost

Composting science & microorganisms

Colorado State University composting organisms
Colorado State University compost effects on soil quality
Compost Heaven microorganisms – the little guys who make it happen
Cornell Composting compost microorganisms
Cornell Composting techniques for observing compost microorganisms
Cornell Composting techniques for detailed study of compost microorganisms

Bokashi / green cone

Bokashi Bokashi composting system explained in the Guardian
Compost Guy lots of info on the Bokashi process
YouTube video explanation of the green cone

Composting with critters

Backyard Chickens instructions on how to build your own BSF composter / chicken feeder
Blatticomposting composting with cockroaches
Wikipedia entry for black soldier fly
Wikiversity grub composting, using the black soldier fly larvae
YouTube video on how to make your own black soldier fly composter / harvester

Composting pet poo

City Farmer step-by-step guide to making a dog poo composter
Compost Guy pet waste composting
Root Simple cat litter compost – installment 1
Root Simple cat litter compost – installment 2
Root Simple cat litter compost – installment 3; the important thing is to extend the composting time

The problem with peat-based compost

BBC the ethics of using peat
Independent gardeners urged to stop using peat-based compost
National Trust going peat-free

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