Compost toilets - links

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General information

Composting Toilet Demonstration composting toilet demonstration – 126-page pdf – detailed report from Australia
Inside Science inside the controversial world of composting toilets
Joe Jenkins humanure headquarters – including Jenkins’ Humanure Handbook free online
New Earth article: compost toilets emerge as viable alternative
New Scientist composting toilets key to global sanitation
US Environmental Protection Agency water efficiency technology factsheet on composting toilets
Wastewater System & Composting Toilet first-hand account of using a compost loo
Wikipedia entry for composting toilet

Build your own

Aquatron you could fit an Aquatron to separate solids and liquids
Barrel Composting Toilet System detailed description of the ‘barrel’ composting toilet system
Build your own waterless toilet booklet to accompany Australian one-day course
Goodbye to the Flush Toilet 1977 book by Carol Stoner – read online
Permaculture Magazine build a compost toilet, ladies urinal & solar shower from recycled materials
Salvo listing of UK salvage yards – useful for materials for build-your-own

Urine separation

Greywater Action greywater systems and compost loos
Institute of Water & Environmental Studies Swedish report – fighting ‘urine blindness’ to provide more sanitation options, including urine as fertiliser
Research Gate urine separation – Swedish experiences
Tiny House Ontario building a urine separating composting toilet
Urine Diversion detailed report based on a PhD thesis
Wikipedia urine diversion

Pest control / potential pathogens / hygiene

Barrier Animal Healthcare red mite concentrate – natural killer of red mites, a potential pest with home-built compost loos
Ecosanres guidelines for the safe use of urine and faeces in ecological sanitation systems
Fruit Fly Trap innovative way to trap tiny flies
Green Latrine how to prevent flies in a compost toilet
Humanure Handbook pathogens and composting toilet systems
National Center for Biotechnology Information scientific paper on the survival of fecal coliforms in dry-composting toilets

Outdoor compost loos / privies / developing countries

Farallones Institute Farallones (batch type) composting toilet construction and management manual
Mother Earth News human composting privy
Oasis Design ‘earth & orchard’ toilet plans
Practical Action compost toilets in poor countries

Compost loos on boats

Boating Magazine choosing a composting marine toilet
Living on a Narrowboat composting toilets on a boat
the Narrowboat Experience living with a composting toilet

Tree bogs

Permaculture Magazine a loo with a view: build your own tree bog
Steward Wood how to build, use, and not abuse, a tree bog
Wikipedia entry for tree bog video showing how to build a tree bog

Henry Moule’s earth closet

(almost became the standard toilet in the West)

BBC History of the World Moule’s mechanical dry earth closet
Loose Data Research the reverend Henry Moule and the earth closet
Philip Strange earth closets and great stinks
Wikipedia entry for Henry Moule

Human waste as fertiliser

Canberra Times expert says that human waste is a safe fertiliser
EcoSanRes guidelines on the uses of urine and faeces in crop production
International Development Research Center 1978 book – compost, fertiliser and biogas production from human and farm wastes in China
Journey to Forever Albert Howard: the manufacture of humus from the wastes of town and village
Journey to Forever Albert Howard: the utilisation of municipal waste in South Africa
Scientific American human urine is shown to be an effective agricultural fertiliser
The Washington Post human urine is a safe, productive fertiliser

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