Community - links

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Association of Financial Mutuals trade body that represents mutual and not-for-profit insurers, friendly societies and other financial mutuals
CLES the national association for local economies
Cleveland Model the idea for the ‘Preston Model’ came from Cleveland, Ohio
Clone Town Britain report from the New Economics Foundation on how all UK town centres look the same because of corporate chains
Common Ground promoting local distinctiveness US site with good info on community wealth building
Deep Adaptation why the environmental crisis means we need re-localisation
Deep Adaptation deep adaptation in communities
Democracy Collaborative fostering ecological sustainability and promoting flourishing democratic and community life (US)
Flatpack Democracy power tools for reclaiming local politics
Friendly Societies worldwide alliance of small communities committed to providing mutual support in emergencies
Friendly Society more from Wikipedia promoting a non-divisive independent local politics
Municipal Enquiry ‘speaking to as many of the people and groups in the UK as possible who are currently working to build alternative forms of grassroots, municipal and community power’
New Municipalism article about social movement to reinvigorate local economies, without state funding
Preston City Council info on the ‘Preston Model’ of local procurement
Psychology Today why we need each other
REconomy Project helping start local businesses
Restart Parties where people teach each other how to repair their broken and slow devices
Shareable over 300 ‘how to’ guides to help you share more in your community
Smallholding Societies list of local smallholding societies in the UK
Streetbank charity enabling people to share things in their communities
Transition Network Find your nearest Transition initiative

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