Community-supported agriculture - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

Organisations & associations

Community-supported Agriculture Network UK association for CSAs – including listings
FARMA not-for-profit association of the best real farm shops and real farmers’ markets from across the UK
Local Harvest find CSAs in the States
Urgenci the international network for community-supported agriculture
USDA Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

Information & articles

Call of the Land unraveling the CSA number conundrum
Future Farmers II A UK guide to running a farm-based and CSA agroecological traineeship
Rodale Institute history of community-supported agriculture (US) part 1
Rodale Institute history of community-supported agriculture (US) part 2
Soil Association Making Local Food Work: report on the impact of community-supported agriculture
Stroud Community Agriculture the story of community-supported agriculture in Stroud
Urgenci European Handbook on CSA
Wikipedia entry for community-supported agriculture

Community-supported agriculture Resources

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