Community land trusts - links

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See here for more useful links on the housing co-ops links page.
ACRE Action with Communities in Rural England – supports rural communities in a variety of ways
Charities Aid Foundation financing for community land trusts
Community Land Scotland community land ownership network in Scotland
Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens supporting and promoting community-managed farms and gardens
Glass-House national charity that supports communities, organisations and networks to work collaboratively on the design of buildings, open spaces, homes and neighbourhoods
International Land Coalition global alliance of civil society and intergovernmental organisations working together to put people at the centre of land governance
John Emmeus Davis origin and evolution of the community land trust in the United States
Locality nationwide network of social enterprises, development trusts and social action centres. They help people to set up locally owned and led organisations
My Community support groups and organisations running community-led projects and plans to build and strengthen communities across England
National Community Land Trust Network (UK) promoting and supporting CLTs in the UK
National Community Land Trust Network (US) promoting and supporting CLTs in the US
Plunkett Foundation offer advice and resources on a wide range of topics, including community pubs, shops and all sorts of rural community enterprises and services
Wrigleys Solicitors sources of funding for community-led housing

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