Commons economy - links

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Center for a Stateless Society – mutualist / commons think-tank

Commons Strategy Group – activist and research driven collaboration to foster the growth of the commons and commoning projects around the world

Commons Transition – commoning stories, articles, videos

Commons Transition Library – interesting collection of reports on the development of the commons

Commons Transition Primer – Q&A articles on the value of P2P/commons

Cosmolocalism – advancing our understanding of how to create a sustainable economy through the commons

Credit Commons – commoning money

David Bollier – news and perspectives on the commons; bibliography

David Bollier – reinventing law for the commons

David Bollier & Pat Conaty – the promise of co-ops connecting with the commons

FLOK Society Project – ‘FLOK’s reason-to-be is to create a legal, economic and social framework for an entire country (Ecuador) that is consistent with principles that are the basic foundations of the Internet: peer-to-peer collaboration and shared knowledge.’

Frishmann, Marciano & Ramello – revisiting the Tragedy of the Commons after 50 years

Grassroots Economics – building the commons economy in Kenya

IASC – International Association for the study of the Commons

Island Power – building an energy commons in the Pacific

Journal of Peer Production – open access academic journal

the Land Magazine – a short history of enclosure in Britain

Mutual Credit Services – helping build commons infrastructure in the UK and around the world.

Nathan Schneider – an internet of ownership: democratic design for the online economy

the Next System Project – David Bollier: commoning as a transformative social paradigm

On the Commons – ‘commons movement strategy center founded in 2001’ – plus interesting articles

Pat Conaty & David Bollier – a new alignment of movements?

P2P Foundation – ‘researching, cataloging and advocating for the potential of P2P and Commons-based approaches to societal and consciousness change’

P2PF Wiki – what you should read to understand the commons

P2PF Wiki – commons-based peer production (but search for anything!)

Stroud Commons – group building the commons economy in Stroud, in ways that can be emulated elsewhere, and federated.

Transnational Institute – commons transition and P2P: a primer

Open design & manufacturing sites

Farm Hack – open source agricultural equipment

Open Building Institute – open source house-building toolkit

Open Design Now – why design cannot remain exclusive

Open Desk – open design furniture

Open Source Ecology – open source blueprints for agricultural equipment

Wikihouse – open design house

Wikispeed – open source car

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