Cohousing - links

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See here for more useful links for housing co-ops and here for intentional communities.
The Architecture Foundation our DIY future – are cohousing & self-build the answer to our domestic woes?
Co-housing Company Ltd the first new-build co-housing project in the UK (in Stroud) co-housing in the US
Cohousing: Shared Futures final report of a seminar series to promote cohousing in the UK and make links with projects in other countries
Collaborative Housing & Community Resilience seminar series on how to develop the cohousing sector
The Guardian article on cohousing
Housing Learning & Improvement Network knowledge hub on specialist housing – especially senior cohousing
Joseph Rowntree Foundation senior co-housing communities – an alternative approach for the UK?
Locality nationwide network of social enterprises, development trusts and social action centres. They help people to set up locally owned and led organisations
My Community support groups and organisations running community-led projects and plans to build and strengthen communities across England
OWCH older women’s co-housing
UK Co-housing Network loads of info about co-housing and about co-housing projects in the UK
Wrigleys Solicitors sources of funding for community-led housing


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