Cob building - links

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Basic advice on building with cob

Build Naturally – video for testing the clay content of soil for cob building

Cob Builder’s Handbook – free online book by Becky Bee

Devon Earth Building Association – sustaining the ancient tradition of building in cob in the SW of England

Devon Earth Building Association – good FAQ on cob building

Earth Architecture – huge resource of articles about all kinds of earth building

Earth Hands & Houses – UK / Polish venture to help people build their own cob houses

Homestead & Survival – 15 ideas for cob projects

I Love Cob – US site with lots resources

Mother Earth News – cob building basics

Permaculture Magazine – article on how to build a garden retreat from cob

Other information & associations

Devon Earth Building Association – cob buildings: compliance with building regulations

EBUK – Earth Building UK – membership organisation for people interested in earth building

Ezine Articles – article on African mud huts – history of cob

This Cob House – 14 characteristics of cob homes

Wikipedia – cob as a building material

Wikipedia – adobe – dried bricks of cob

World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP) – aiming for the improvement of the state of conservation and management of earthen architecture sites worldwide


Design Boom – the incredible bullet-shaped mud houses of the Musgum people of Cameroun

The Hollies – promoting cob building in Ireland

Inspiration Green – beautiful gallery of historical cob buildings – including old cob cottages in England and cob skyscrapers in Yemen

Inspiration Green – gallery of cob interiors that show just how beautiful they can be

Inspiration Green – gallery of modern cob houses – articles and images of cob buildings around the world

UNESCO World Heritage List – the old walled city of Shibam in Yemen – the world’s first ‘skyscrapers’, made of unfired clay

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