Co-operatives - links

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Organisations & advice

Acorn Co-op Support small workers co-op, that exists to support co-ops, businesses, community groups and campaigns which encourage co-operative working and practices
Baxendale support for social enterprises; transition to employee-ownership
Catalyst Collective co-operative registration and development
CECOP European confederation of industrial and service cooperatives
CICOPA International organisation of industrial and service cooperatives
Co-operantics support organisation; lots of useful articles
Co-operative & Community Finance exclusively serving the co-operative and social enterprise sector
Co-operative Business Consutants
co-operative consortium of co-op advisors across Scotland, Northern Ireland and the North of England
the Co-operative College educational charity dedicated to the promotion of co-operative values, ideas and principles within co-operatives, communities and society
the Co-operative Group ‘the Co-op’ – stores, funeralcare, travel etc.
Co-operative Heritage Trust engaging and encouraging different groups, faiths, cultures and nationalities from across the globe to be inspired by the breadth and achievements of co-operation
Co-operative News connecting, championing and challenging the global co-operative movement, through fair and objective journalism and open and honest comment and debate
Co-operatives Europe European region of the International Co-operative Alliance
Co-operatives UK national trade body that campaigns for co-operation and works to promote, develop and unite co-operative enterprises
Employee Ownership Association representing organisations that are employee-owned or transitioning to employee ownership across the UK
the Hive business support for co-ops
International Co-operative Alliance international non-governmental organisation which unites, represents and serves co-operatives worldwide
Loomio tool developed by a co-operative for collective decision-making
Plunkett Foundation helping rural communities to take control of their challenges and overcome them through co-operation
Radical Routes network of co-operatives; loans; advice
Rhizome facilitators, mediators, capacity-builders
Rochdale Pioneers Museum museum at the site of the first modern co-operative
Seeds for Change raining, meeting facilitation and online resources on collective organising and consensus decision making, developing your strategy, campaign and action skills, setting up groups and co-ops, co-operative governance and training for trainers
Social Centres Network
network of independent social centres and autonomous spaces aiming to link up to share experiences, resources, ideas and information
Solidarity Economy Association working for ‘a thriving Solidarity Economy for the UK – an economy that embodies the values of economic and social justice, diversity and pluralism, co-operation, self-management, and ecological sustainability’
Somerset Co-operative Services briefings and resources on various aspects of setting up co-ops; a good starting point world’s first global, digital campaign to spread the benefits of cooperation through the tradition of story-telling federation of UK student co-ops, organising for social change
UKSCS UK Society for Co-operative Studies
World Co-operative Monitor multi-dimensional database reporting on the socio-economic value and impact of co-operatives globally
Worker Co-op Solidarity Fund help the co-op sector by investing £1 a week


Conflict resolution and consensus decision-making see our ‘personal & interpersonal development’ links page
Cooperativism fantastic resource put together under creative commons by Nathan Schneider
Co-opoly board game for co-operatives; like Monopoly only better library of information about co-ops
Grow a Grocery information on how to start a co-operative grocery business in your town
History of the Rochdale Pioneers pdf of book from 1893
Jo Freeman the Tyranny of Structurelessness – an essay about the importance of organisation and structure in groups such as co-operatives
National Co-operative Archive archive of the history of all things co-operative
Shareable US site with hundreds of articles / news on sharing / co-operation
the Take feature-length documentary about Argentinian workers taking over businesses after the economic crash of 2001 in Argentina
United Diversity huge reading list put together by Josef Davies-Coates
Wikipedia Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers
Worker Co-operative Code
how to use the co-operative principles to create good co-operative businesses

Directories / listings

CDS Co-operatives A-Z listing of co-ops
Co-operatives UK UK co-operatives directory

Potential funders

Co-operative and Community Finance lend to organisations that are owned and democratically controlled by their members
Ecology Building Society building society that ‘puts people and planet first’ – experience of housing co-ops
Triodos Bank understand co-operative values
Unity Trust Bank specialists in the social economy

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