Cider, perry, apple & pear juice - links

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Juicing, making cider & perry

Basics of Cider Making from the New Cider Maker’s Handbook
Cider Digest US site that could keep a cider enthusiast busy for a long time
Cider Workshop community of cider & perry makers
The Gift of Wine how to make perry
Guardian article on how to make apple juice (plus how-to gallery of pics at the bottom)
Mother Earth News article: how to make home-made apple juice (in the kitchen)
Mother Earth News article: how to build a DIY cider press
Real Cider cider making information, videos and resources
Simple Bites how to build a cider press and harvest apple juice
Small-scale Cidermaking tons of information on small-scale cider making
Wittenham Hill Cider Pages lots and lots of technical information

General info & history

Archive of Cider Pomology an archive of orcharding & cider making
The Big Apple annual cider tasting festival, Herefordshire
The Cider Museum Hereford
Herefordshire Cider Route tour the orchards, cidermakers and pubs of Herefordshire – free leaflets for bicycle touring
History of Cider very detailed history of orchards and cider, back to 1000AD
Wikipedia entry for cider
World Wide Words investigation into the jargon used in cider making

Selling cider

The Cider Workshop good series of articles on the commercial considerations of cider making
The Cider Workshop recommended food safety/standards guide for small-scale craft cider/perry making
Food Standards Agency labelling guidance
HMRC law and regulations covering the production, storage and accounting for duty on cider and perry
HMRC form CP33 if you are a maker of cider or perry for sale to claim exemption from registration where the total quantity of cider or perry made is no more than 7000 litres in any 12 month period
National Market Traders Federation membership includes liability and product insurance if you intend to sell at markets

Networks and campaigns

Campaign for Real Ale CAMRA’s section on cider
Herefordshire CAMRA the epicentre of cider making
National Association of Cider Makers promoting the cider and perry industries in the UK
The Southwest of England Cidermakers Association cider-makers in Devon, Somerset and the south-west
Three Counties Cider & Perry Association cider and perry in Herefordshire, Gloucestershire & Worcestershire
Welsh Perry & Cider Society welcome to Welsh ciderspace

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