Car sharing - links

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Car sharing can mean: 1. Individuals sharing journeys in one vehicle – called car sharing or lift sharing in the UK and ride-sharing or carpooling in the US. 2. Short-term car rental – called car clubs in the UK and carsharing in the US. I say tomato……..

General information

BBC commuter swap: woman in Devon gives up her car and tries car sharing for a week
Car Sharing Association global carsharing resource site
Elon University not driving alone: commuting in the 21st century
New York Times carsharing (i.e. car clubs in the UK): ownership by the hour
Ridesharing in North America: Past, Present & Future academic paper from the University of California, Berkeley
Slugging car sharing / hitch-hiking hybrid to allow drivers to drive in fast lanes reserved for multi-occupancy vehicles
Sustrans info on car clubs and car sharing
Time Magazine what’s car sharing (car clubs in the UK) really like?
Treehugger what is car sharing (car clubs in the UK) and how does it work?
Wikipedia entry for carpooling – (car sharing or lift sharing in the UK)
Wikipedia entry for carsharing – (car clubs in the UK)
Wikipedia entry for peer-to-peer carsharing – (individuals making their vehicles available for short-term rental)
William Clay Ford Jr chairman of Ford says: ‘if you live in a city, you don’t need to own a car’ (!)
The World Carshare Consortium supporting carshare schemes internationally

Dynamic or real-time car sharing

(using your mobile – actually, it’s high-tech hitch-hiking)

Dilbert Scott Adams, the author of the Dilbert cartoons, blogs about his ‘new idea’ – dynamic car sharing
Dilbert and another blog when he realised it wasn’t a new idea
Massachusetts Institute of Technology real-time rideshare research group
Oliphant & Amey dynamic ridesharing: carpooling meets the information age
Washington Post article about apps that can be used to find lift shares at short notice; passengers and drivers can receive ratings
Wikipedia entry for real-time ridesharing

Local UK car share schemes

(individuals organising with each other to share journeys)

Search for ‘car share’ and your local town, county or region. Here are a few examples:
Kent Connected car sharing in Kent
London Liftshare car sharing in London
West Yorkshire Car Share car sharing in West Yorks
Traffic Scotland list of local car share schemes in Scotland

National & global car share schemes

(individuals organising with each other to share journeys)

Compartir car sharing around the world, plus forum
Football Carshare share lifts to follow your team
Liftshare UK ride-sharing
Student Carshare to and from campus or home for the holidays

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