Canoes & kayaks - links

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Associations, campaigns, groups & clubs

British Canoeing national governing body for paddlesports in the UK
British Canoe Union ‘helping and inspiring people to go canoeing’
Canoe Camping Club UK club for people who like to combine canoeing and camping
Canoe Foundation charity aiming to change lives through canoeing – especially disadvantaged & minority groups
Canoe Wales encouraging paddlesport in Wales; listing of Welsh clubs
Go Canoeing Olympic legacy project aiming to increase grassroots participation in canoeing
Qajaq (pronounced ‘kayak’) – American chapter of the Greenland Kayak Association
Rivers Access Campaign campaigning for access to inland waterways in the UK
Scottish Canoe Association governing body of canoeing & kayaking in Scotland; listing of Scottish clubs
UK Open Canoe Association promoting everything to do with canoeing; trips;

General information

Canoe with a View reviews of canoes and gear, info, forum
the Paddler lots of articles, useful information, used stuff etc.
Song of the Paddle wonderful site set up by a UK open canoe enthusiast – lots of information plus a forum
Wikipedia entry on canoes
Wikipedia entry on dugout canoes
Wikipedia entry on kayaks
You, Your Canoe & the Environment advice on minimising your environmental impact

How to go canoeing & kayaking

Bob Foote canoeing tips & techniques
Canoe Days Out over 200 canoe routes in the UK beginner’s guide to going on a canoe trip
Go Canoeing how to start canoeing
Thoughtco articles and how-to’s on canoes and Kayaks
UK Rivers Guidebook guide to (probably) all the rivers of the UK

Buying a canoe

Canoe & Kayak magazine article – the basics of buying a canoe
Go Canoeing buying a canoe or kayak buying the right canoe – tons of information

Canoe building

Bateau canoe and kayak plans
Birch Canoes canoe building weekends in Leicestershire
Bob’s Kayak Pages shows (in detail) how he built his own wooden kayak
Chesapeake Light Craft US site with self-build plans and lots of info
Dennis Davis Designs canoe-building plans
Dix Design plans
Duckworks links to lots of sites that have canoe-building plans 
Guillemot Kayaks another US site with plans, kits and info
Jem Watercraft plans for building canoes and kayaks, including a free one here
Joe River photo guide to making a birch-bark canoe
Jumaka building a birch bark canoe
Makin’ a Dugout Canoe excellent photographic guide to building a dugout canoe
Making a Birch Bark Canoe and even how to make your own gum from natural materials
National Film Board of Canada fantastic video of building a birch-bark canoe
Primitive Ways how to build a dugout canoe
Robbins Timber timber and epoxies for boat-building
RWO Marine materials for boat-building
Selway Fisher Design UK site with plans for building your own canoe and other boats
Squeedunk Kayaks constructing a birch-bark canoe
Resins & Adhesives
epoxies and resins for boat-building


All About Canoes the history of the canoe
Antiquity 8000-year-old dugout canoe discovered in China
Arctic Kayaks world inventory of over 270 aboriginal kayaks
Baidarka mailing list archive no longer active, but still online, with lots of interesting posts and links
Evolution of the Kayak growth in the popularity of the kayak in the 20th century
The Independent article: dugout canoe was Bronze Age Briton’s run-about of choice
The Patagonian Canoe history of canoes in South America
River of Song the Ojibwe birch-bark canoe
Traditional Kayaks lots of information about traditional Eskimo kayaks
Wooden Canoe Heritage Association non-profit organization devoted to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wooden and bark canoes

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