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  • Butchery, sausages & meat - introduction

     Butchery, sausages & meat representative image

    “Now that I know how supermarket meat is made, I regard eating it as a somewhat risky proposition. I know how those animals live and what’s on their hides when they go to slaughter, so I don’t buy industrial meat.” – Michael Pollan


    Topic introduction coming soon.

    The views expressed here are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Violet Plum August 25th, 2019

      Why can’t you just avoid meat altogether? Millions of vegans have proved that animal products are not necessary for human nutrition so farming and killing animals for consumption, however ‘kindly’ they’re raised, is unnecessary suffering. Let’s end the suffering completely and opt for plant-based living. Thank you.

    • 2Dave Darby August 25th, 2019

      Violet – this is a huge issue for us, which we’ve covered in various blog articles (like this one – https://www.lowimpact.org/ethical-keep-animals-meat-dairy/), and will continue to do so.

      The articles are / will be the place to comment on the ethics of keeping animals / eating meat.

      Here will be a space for ‘how to do it’ rather than ‘should we do it?’

      We’ve been a bit swamped in 2019, working on mutual credit – https://www.lowimpact.org/lowimpact-topic/mutual-credit/ – which has been a lot of work, but we’re going to publish our policy on keeping animals / meat eating soon (and I know we’ve been saying that for about a year, so sorry, but we’ll do it asap). Comments on ethics of raising animals for meat will be welcome there, rather than here.

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