Breadmaking - links

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Societies & training

Alliance for Bakery Students & Trainees – not-for-profit supporting people undertaking bakery education & training

British Society of Baking – publications/information for the baking industry, including small bakeries

Craft Bakers Association – supporting bakers and the baking industry; NVQ training

The Real Bread Campaign – fighting for the return of natural bread that is better for us and for the environment

Scottish Bakers – voice of bakers in Scotland

the Worshipful Company of Bakers – second oldest trade guild in London (behind weavers)


All Recipes – over 3000 cake recipes

How to Make Cakes – blog about how to make fabulous cakes

PastryWiz – lots of bread recipes

Real Bread Campaign Recipes – real bread recipes, including recipes for leftover bread

WikiCookbooks – bread recipes


Against the Grain – article on the ‘crime against bread’ that is the Chorleywood baking process

The Artisan – a huge resource to get lost in if you’re interested in anything to do with bread

BBC – article on the Chorleywood baking process

Breadtopia – lots of baking videos

Coeliac UK – information about the gluten-free diet

Food Timeline – large, interesting page about the history of different types of bread

The Guardian – article on the science behind breadmaking

National Collection of Yeast Cultures – yeast central

Phys.Org – study shows that humans made flatbread 30,000 years ago

The Shocking Truth About Bread – article in the Independent by Andrew Whitely about the ingredients in supermarket bread

Sourdough Companion – online community for sourdough enthusiasts

Sourdough Home – US site with lots of info about sourdough

Wind & water mills

The International Molinological Society – fosters worldwide interest, understanding and restoration of wind, water and animal-driven mills

The Mills Archive Trust – repository for historical and contemporary material on traditional mills and milling

The Mills Research Group – society of enthusiasts who are each conducting research into some aspect of traditional milling, whether it be by wind, water or muscle power

Regional Wind & Water Mills Groups – on the website of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings

Traditional Cornmillers Guild – listing of water or windmills producing flours in the UK

Windmill World – for windmill fans

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