Blacksmithing & farriery - links

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Anvil index of useful articles from the now-defunct Anvil magazine
The Art of Manliness entertaining article about the blacksmith’s trade
Backwoods Home Magazine build a homestead forge and fabricate your own hardware
Backwoods Home Magazine build your own portable forge
The Farrier Guide international site with information, employment advice, interviews etc.
Forge & Farrier online resource for farriers by farriers
I Forge Iron information and online blacksmithing lessons
Instructables how to make a blacksmith’s forge from a brake drum
Knoji how to make an improvised stake anvil
Metals Weight Calculator put in the alloy, dimensions, shape and even the number of pieces and it will tell you the weight
Mother Earth News article about learning blacksmithing basics
Mother Earth News article about basic blacksmithing tools
Popular Mechanics how to make a forge and start hammering metal
Practical Action lots of articles – search for metalworking & blacksmithing in the dropdown list
WikiBooks Down n’ Dirty Blacksmithing – free wiki book with instructions on making your own forge, anvil and basic blacksmithing techniques
Wikipedia entry for blacksmith – lots of history
Wikipedia entry for farrier
Wikipedia entry for natural hoof care – i.e. keeping horses without horseshoes
YouTube how to make a cheap oil drum forge

Groups & associations

British Artist Blacksmiths Association promoting blacksmithing as a vibrant trade for the future
EFFA European Federation of Farriers Associations – promoting farriery in Europe
Farrier & Hoofcare Resource Centre US site with lots of information
UK Horse Shoers Association ‘standing up for the rights of working horseshoers’
Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths preserving and supporting the craft of blacksmiths; founded in 1325 (their website is more recent)
Worshipful Company of Farriers ensuring competence in those shoeing horses; relative newcomer – founded in 1356

Training & careers

National Careers Service advice on becoming a blacksmith
National Careers Service advice on becoming a farrier
Farrier’s Registration Council registering farriers to ensure the safe shoeing of horses
Farriery Training Agency overseeing the training of farriery apprentices
Herefordshire College of Technology vocational blacksmithing courses
The Independent interview and careers advice from a blacksmith
Input Youth blacksmithing as a career choice
Myerscough College degrees and vocational courses in farriery, Lancashire
Nigel Fennell Farrier Services specialist training for farriers, Hampshire

Blacksmithing & farriery Resources

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