Biomass boilers - links

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General information & associations

Andy Reynolds video on how to repair the wood pellet burning head of a central heating boiler, with our friend and author Andy
Andy Reynolds and part 2
Bioenergy Wiki biomass on the Bioenergy Wiki website
Biomass Energy Centre government information centre for the use of biomass energy in the UK
Carbon Trust (pdf) biomass heating: a practical guide for potential users
Carbon Trust tools and guidance to help develop and install biomass heating systems
Centre for Biomass Technology Danish site with lots of technical information
Centre for Sustainable Energy (pdf) guide to small-scale wood fuel (biomass) heating systems
Channel 4 biomass boilers: a guide
European Biomass Industry Association promoting the use of biomass as an energy source, and supporting biomass industries in Europe
IEA Bioenergy seeking to increase the contribution of biomass to future global enery supply
SuperHomes Are biomass boiler costs justified?
Union of Concerned Scientists interesting article on the potential for biomass energy, distinguishing between beneficial and harmful sources of biomass
Wikipedia entry for biomass
Wikipedia entry for biomass heating system

Debate on the sustainability of large-scale biomass projects

As with most of our topics, large-scale production often causes more problems than it solves. Our leaning is towards small-scale biomass plants for heating and CHP fuelled by locally-grown biomass or waste from other industries.
BiofuelWatch a selection of reports, articles and letters critical of large-scale bioenergy projects
Dirtier Than Coal? (pdf) RSPB, Greenpeace & FoE criticise the use of whole trees for biomass, plus government subsidies
EurActiv article – biomass ‘insanity’ may threaten EU carbon targets
European Environment Agency report – encouraging the substitution of fossil fuels with biomass irrespective of its source may result in higher carbon emission
Greenpeace criticisms of the government’s sustainability standards for energy generation from biomass
The Guardian article – the Renewable Energy Association publishes its letter to Greenpeace, FoE and the RSPB about their ‘misinformation’ on biomass projects
… and here .. is the original letter
… and here .. is the response from the RSPB in the Guardian
… and here .. is a response from Friends of the Earth
The Guardian Drax power station boss wants more govt. subsidies to convert fossil-fuelled power stations to biomass

Woodfuel & energy crops

Biomass Energy Centre info on energy crops
Forestry Commission woodfuel Q&A
Forestry Commission all about woodfuel in the UK
Forestry Commission lots of publications on woodfuel and biomass
Forest Research modelling yields for short-rotation coppice of poplar & willow
Woodfuel Resource study into the potentially-available woodfuel resource in Britain

UK suppliers / installers of biomass boilers

Renewable Energy Association search for biomass boilers under ‘technology’

Suppliers of fuel for biomass boilers

National Biofuel Supply Database listing (with maps) of UK suppliers of logs, pellets, chips & briquettes

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