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  • Biomass boilers - introduction

     Biomass boilers representative image

    “Burning biomass from sustainably managed woodland is a viable alternative to the release and accumulation of fossil fuel carbon in the atmosphere, and is a key weapon in the fight against global warming. The attempt to argue otherwise is scientific sophistry, and, to borrow a phrase, a dangerous bioenergy delusion.” – Simon Fairlie

    Topic introduction coming soon.

    The views expressed here are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Henning Mellin October 3rd, 2019

      Hello, I’m writing from Belgium. We are using since a while a quite sophisticated wood heater in Belgium on the countryside. I could share some photos and a description about this subject, especially about the combination with an old, badly insulated building. How to do? Best, Henning

    • 2Dave Darby October 3rd, 2019

      Henning – thanks. You can send me info to dave at lowimpact dot org. Thanks Henning. D

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