Biodiesel - links

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How to make biodiesel

Biodiesel Discussion Forum forum to discuss biodiesel with other enthusiasts from across the globe; a lot of expertise is on hand
BioPowered wiki on making and using biodiesel and converting vehicles to run on straight veg oil
Biodiesel Recipe Calculator taking the maths out of making biodiesel
Collaborative Biodiesel Tutorial people from around the world sharing what they’ve learned about making biodiesel
Graham Laming detailed notes on how to improve the biodiesel-making process, for example to use less methanol
Instructables make your own biodiesel processor
Journey to Forever lots of info on making biodiesel
Make Biodiesel lots of information, including free manuals
Oily Bits detailed instructions
Popular Mechanics how to make biodiesel with a commercial kit
Small Farm Permaculture getting feedstock from algae

Regulations, testing, chemicals, waste oil & other services

ALcontrol Laboratories testing your biodiesel to BS EN 14214
Chemiphase biodiesel additives, Lancashire
COSHH for an introduction to COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health). There are a number of other free leaflets available for download
COSHH Essentials on this site you enter details of your process – i.e. what chemicals you will use and what you will do with them. The site tries to point you to the relevant resources. To use it you will need to refer to MSDS (materials safety data sheets) disposal of business or commercial waste in the UK
Environment Agency permit for the commercial production of biodiesel in the UK
GR Scientific moisture meter for measuring the moisture content of biofuels, plus titration and other scientific kit
Health & Safety Books health and safety books from the HSE
Health & Safety Executive health and safety general information
HM Revenue & Customs rates of duty and other obligations for biodiesel producers in the UK
Intertek another company that will test your biodiesel
Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) a comprehensive alphabetical archive of MSDS for every conceivable chemical
Pollution Prevention Guidelines pollution prevention guidelines from the Environment Agency
Trinity Chemicals supply the chemicals needed to make biodiesel, and have a free glycerol disposal service
Weights & Measures National Measurement & Regulation Office, UK
Weights & Measures: measuring equipment the Measuring Equipment (Liquid Fuel and Lubricants) Regulations 1995
Wintron XC30 biodiesel winter additive

General information

Alternative Fuels Data Center US site, but lots of contacts and info on all types of alternative fuels news and information on biofuels
Cyto Culture manual about use of biodiesel in boats
DieselNet lots of info about diesel and diesel engines
Environmental Protection Agency (US) 126-page pdf – analysis of biodiesel impacts on exhaust emissions
Google News latest biofuel news stories
HM Revenue & Customs rates of duty and other obligations for biodiesel producers
Journey to Forever biofuels library – tons of info on biofuels and many other alternative technologies
Low-carbon Vehicle Partnership organisation set up to accelerate the shift to low-carbon vehicles and fuels in the UK
Mother Earth News article from 1999 by Joshua Tickell about the famous Veggie Van
National Biodiesel Board (US) lots of information about biodiesel
US Department of Energy huge list of publications about alternative transportation, including alternative fuels, advanced vehicles, and regulated fleets
Wikipedia entry for biodiesel

Why biodiesel from virgin oil is a bad idea

Action Aid biofuels: fueling hunger?
Biofuel Watch campaigning for regulation to ensure that only sustainably-sourced biofuels can be sold in the EU
the Independent biofuel project funded by UK ‘leaves Africans without food’
Institute for European Environmental Policy report on why using wastes and residues is a much better idea than growing biofuel crops

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