Alpacas - links

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Getting started

Alpaca finder directory of alpaca breeders in the UK by county
Alpaca Seller directory of alpaca breeders in the UK by county
Hayne Alpacas some basic info on getting started with alpacas
Hensting Alpacas the pros and cons of alpaca farming
Heritage farm suri alpacas free downloadable ‘getting started with alpacas’ guide
Smallholder magazine thinking of keeping alpacas?
The British Alpaca Society the British Alpaca Society’s ‘Alpacapedia’ with basic info about alpacas and their care

General information & resources

Alpaca selection of articles from Alpaca World magazine
Alpacas of Montana excellent blog with information on a wide range of subjects
Gateway farm alpacas excellent website with a wealth of information on all aspects of alpaca care
The British Alpaca Society info, events, suppliers, education & training
The British Alpaca Society directory of regional groups of alpaca keepers

Alpaca fibre

Alpha alpacas assessing fibre quality
Delphi alpacas evaluating alpaca fleece quality
Gateway farm alpacas in-depth online tutorial on alpaca shearing
The British Alpaca Society introduction to processing alpaca fibre
The joy of handspinning basic information on preparing alpaca fleece for spinning

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