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  • Zoe Wangler

    Zoe Wangler bio

    Zoe sits on the ELC board of directors. One of ELC’s cofounders, Zoe was the ELC’s Managing Director from 2009-2015. Before working at the Cooperative Zoe worked as a freelance environmental researcher and in not-for-profit property development and management.

    Articles by

    Zoe Wangler

    Ecological Land Co-op publishes its first annual report; feedback welcome

    Zoe Wangler 22-Mar-2015

    NB: the Ecological Land Co-op set a precedent in England (following the success of Lammas Ecovillage in Wales) by gaining planning permission for homes on smallholdings outside the development zone (in Devon), by agreeing to abide by strict ecological criteria Read more

    Ecological Land Co-op successful in their application for homes on eco-smallholdings in Devon

    Zoe Wangler 15-Apr-2013

    Remember this blog post about the Ecological Land Co-op’s attempt to start three eco-smallholdings in Devon? A local councillor said: “Nobody would subject themselves to that way of life. You might as well be in prison“ Read more

    Affordable, natural, homes for smallholdings: how you can help

    Zoe Wangler 08-Nov-2012

    First some background, then below is Zoe’s appeal for letters of support. Wouldn’t it be good if people were allowed to put up their own natural home on their own land, to produce food for themselves and for the rest of us. Read more

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