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  • Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith bio

    At An Teach Saor (Irish for The Free House) -- a Permaculture & gift economy based small-holding in the west of Ireland -- our passion is free. Free education. Free food. Free thinking. Free accommodation. Even free booze!So we had a thought: why not create a free community space, a place where people can meet, learn, eat, drink, dance and sleep (hopefully in that order!) without a single penny changing hands? That thought soon became the seed that is The Happy Pig, one which we hope you will help us germinate into something of service to the world.

    Articles by

    Thomas Smith

    Free education the low-impact way: welcome to the Happy Pig

    Thomas Smith 04-Feb-2014

    An Irish permaculture project and gift-based community, has launched an all-or-nothing crowdfunding campaign to renovate an old pig barn – The Happy Pig Read more

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