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  • Sue Bell

    Sue Bell bio

    Sue has a health and education background, working in management consultancy and organisational development for the NHS and the private sector. She ran Brixton LETS (local exchange trading system) from 2000-2004. She has since worked as a person-centred psychotherapist, and is now facilitating MCS meetings and helping the group work together effectively to achieve our goals.

    Articles by

    Sue Bell

    What happened to LETS systems? Sue Bell of Mutual Credit Services

    Sue Bell 10-Jan-2021

    Today I’m talking with Sue Bell, who was involved for many years in Brixton LETS and the Brixton Pound. She’s now part of a group called Mutual Credit Services (MCS), formed to build mutual credit clubs and to federate them together to build a new kind of moneyless trading system. I want to talk about… Continue reading What happened to LETS systems? Sue Bell of Mutual Credit Services Read more

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