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  • Steve Last

    Steve Last bio

    Stephen Last BSc CEng MICE MCIWM CEnv is Principal of IPPTS Associates. We provide a wide range of waste management and environmental engineering consultancy services, from our office in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK.

    Articles by

    Steve Last

    Why does Donald Trump scorn renewable energy when it’s so good for business?

    Steve Last 23-Mar-2017

    US President Donald Trump seems to be locked into a crusade to deny that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the cause of climate change. While it is always possible that 97% of the scientific community have got it completely wrong, it would seem unlikely that they have. Read more

    The pros and cons of fracking in the UK and why you need to know about them

    Steve Last 14-Oct-2016

    It’s time for all those interested in how society will achieve a sustainable level of impact on the environment to brush up their own thoughts and opinions on the pros and cons of fracking in the UK. Read more

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