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  • Steve Hanson

    Steve Hanson bio

    Steve Hanson is an educator, wood turner and farmer. Alongside Fiona Hanson he owns and runs Permaculture Eden, a five hectare human scale, integrated, regenerative, farm designed to educate and inspire by example. Under design and development since 2004 Permaculture Eden is now one of the world’s most advanced and productive permaculture sites.

    Articles by

    Steve Hanson

    Permaculture pigs: integrating pigs into a permaculture design

    Steve Hanson 28-Sep-2018

    Firstly I should state there is no such thing as a permaculture pig, but rather pigs woven in to a permaculture design. Firstly we have to look carefully at every element we are planning on putting in to our design. Read more

    How to get 500 hot showers from your compost heap!

    Steve Hanson 12-Jan-2018

    I guess most people wonder what showers and compost have to do with each other, being showered with compost is probably not anyone’s idea of being cleaned. However there is a perfectly valid connection and it’s one we have been exploiting now for four years and to good effect. Read more

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