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  • Steph Wetherell

    Steph Wetherell bio

    Steph Wetherell coordinates Bristol Food Producers, an organisation that is working to increase local food production across the city by supporting local farmers and producers access new markets and skills. She is also co-executive director of the Real Economy, a food cooperative that is committed to sourcing food directly from local producers and providing access to good food across the city. With a background in farming, she is passionate about inspiring people to eat more local food and aims to connect people to where their food come from by telling the stories of local producers through her website, The Locavore. She also writes for several print and online platforms such as the Ernest Journal and Walnut Magazine on issues around food, farming and alternative living.

    Articles by

    Steph Wetherell

    Support the Landworkers’ Alliance by buying their beautiful 2022 calendar

    Steph Wetherell 18-Nov-2021

    We’d like to bring the Landworkers’ Alliance to your attention if you don’t know them already. They’re a wonderful organisation that could do with your support. You could help them in a small way by purchasing their beautiful 2022 calendar, or if you have a shop, ordering in bulk at a discount to sell on. Read more

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