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  • Steve

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    STAY GROUNDED is a people-powered, science-based, and action-oriented network for more than 170 member initiatives around the world. The network fosters mutual support and exchange of experiences, and campaigns for a reduction of aviation and its negative impacts, as well as against problematic climate strategies like offsetting emissions and biofuels.

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    Stop greenwashing of aviation: 5. E-fuels

    Steve 30-Nov-2021

    Over five weeks we’ve published a range of Stay Grounded factsheets about various kinds of techno-greenwashing provided by the aviation industry. Here we look at the potential for synthetic electro-fuels, or e-fuels. Read more

    Stop greenwashing of aviation: 4. biofuels

    Steve 22-Nov-2021

    Over five weeks we’re publishing a range of Stay Grounded factsheets about various kinds of techno-greenwashing provided by the aviation industry. This one is about the promise of biofuels. Read more

    Stop greenwashing of aviation: 3. hydrogen flight

    Steve 16-Nov-2021

    Over five weeks we’re publishing a range of Stay Grounded factsheets about various kinds of techno-greenwashing provided by the aviation industry. Here we look at the promise of hydrogen-powered flight. Read more

    Stop greenwashing of aviation: 2. electric flight

    Steve 11-Nov-2021

    Over five weeks we’re publishing a range of Stay Grounded factsheets about various kinds of techno-greenwashing provided by the aviation industry. Here we look at the promise of electric-powered flight. Read more

    Stop greenwashing of aviation: 1. efficiency improvements

    Steve 04-Nov-2021

    Over the next five weeks we’ll be publishing a range of Stay Grounded factsheets about various kinds of techno-greenwashing provided by the aviation industry. We’d like to help expose the greenwashing of the aviation industry. First up – efficiency improvements: the lie that aviation can become carbon-neutral via ever-greater aircraft efficiency, reducing the need for… Continue reading Stop greenwashing of aviation: 1. efficiency improvements Read more

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