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  • Simeon

    Simeon bio

    Landmatters Co-operative currently consists of ten adult members and eight children who all live at the Landmatters site in Allaleigh, and possess a diverse range of backgrounds and skill sets. Community and people-care is a very important part of life at Landmatters. The Permaculture philosophy expresses that, if people’s needs are met in compassionate and simple ways, the environment surrounding them will prosper. The challenge is to grow through self-reliance and personal responsibility.

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    How you can support low-impact community ‘Landmatters’ with their planning application

    Simeon 22-Jan-2016

    Landmatters co-op is a low impact community in Devon. We’re seeking letters of support for a new round of planning application. Letters of support are invaluable commendations and hugely boosting for a project’s prospects – and morale.  Read more

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