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  • Shaun Chamberlin

    Shaun Chamberlin bio

    In 2005 I quit my job to devote myself full-time to exploring the dominant cultural stories and ‘myths’ that chart the course for our society and, in particular, how we might change direction before we end up where we are headed. My various efforts since have been covered across the UK press, including by the BBC, Guardian, Sunday Times, Independent and Daily Express, as well as internationally by Time magazine, Bloomberg News and the Financial Times. Perhaps my proudest achievement is having shepherded the late David Fleming‘s extraordinary, award-winning Lean Logic and Surviving the Future to posthumous publication. In light of their ever-growing popularity, I taught the ‘Community, Place and Play: A Post-Market Economics‘ course at Schumacher College, was executive producer of 2020 film The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilisation?, and now partner with Vermont’s Sterling College, both as consulting scholar on their EcoGather project and leading the groundbreaking online programme ‘Surviving the Future: Conversations for Our Time’. Meanwhile, putting the theory into practice, I am one of the six custodians of legendary free pub ‘The Happy Pig‘, and was involved with the Transition Network since its inception, leading to my co-founding Transition Town Kingston and authoring the movement’s second book, The Transition Timeline, back in 2009.

    Articles by

    Shaun Chamberlin

    Surviving the future: The deeper dive 2024

    Shaun Chamberlin 12-Nov-2023

    Autumn has always been my favourite season, and over recent years it brings additional succour, signalling time to start preparing in earnest for the winter’s Deeper Dive. This now-annual tradition has become a real highlight of my year, as a new small group capped at just fifty folk gathers to reflect meaningfully on our tumultuous times,… Continue reading Surviving the future: The deeper dive 2024 Read more

    Surviving the Future 2023: deep dive for anyone concerned about what’s coming

    Shaun Chamberlin 04-Dec-2022

    In these tumultuous times, it’s good to pull back and think together — to share conversation — curated by experts and in the company of some of the most compelling people who have been thinking about these issues for a long time. Read more

    Is money the root of all evil? Shaun Chamberlin Part 2

    Shaun Chamberlin 16-Jan-2022

    This is Part 2 of a conversation with Shaun Chamberlin (Part 1 is here). Shaun left the board of the Ecological Land Co-op as I joined. He’s been involved with the Transition Network – he wrote the Transition Timeline. His website is Dark Optimism. He took on the work of David Fleming after his death,… Continue reading Is money the root of all evil? Shaun Chamberlin Part 2 Read more

    Where are we headed? (‘physics doesn’t negotiate’): Shaun Chamberlin

    Shaun Chamberlin 09-Jan-2022

    At Lowimpact we’re interviewing people who are working to build a new kind of world. We want to promote what they’re doing, and find ways to work together. Today I’m talking with Shaun Chamberlin. Read more

    Surviving the Future: an online course for our times

    Shaun Chamberlin 01-Apr-2020

    Our friend Shaun Chamberlin of Dark Optimism shares news of Surviving the Future: conversations for our time, an eight week online gathering which he will be co-facilitating on behalf of Sterling College, starting on Monday 6th April. Read more

    Incredible opportunity to join a co-operative, low-impact smallholding project in Devon

    Shaun Chamberlin 21-Jun-2013

    Here’s some background to the Ecological Land Co-op’s project in Devon, and here’s a post celebrating the fact that they were successful in their planning application. Now they’re looking for people. Over to Shaun. Read more

    Why access to land matters

    Shaun Chamberlin 22-Dec-2012

    Well, the world didn’t end yesterday, so let’s make it better in 2013. A crucial element of a just and sustainable world is land reform. Why should so few people own so much land? Here’s a great blog from Shaun about why access to land is so important. Read more

    Should we have a right to live on the land?

    Shaun Chamberlin 01-Aug-2012

    We think so. As long as we do it in a low-impact way. We’re not talking second homes, commuter homes or retirement homes. We’re talking about people who want to work the land organically, be part of the local economy, plant trees, build a home Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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