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  • Sally Morgan

    Sally Morgan bio

    Sally is a botanist by training and when not helping on the farm or running courses, she writes articles and non-fiction books. She has written more than 300 books to-date, on a wealth of subjects, including natural history, science, and geography. She is editor of Organic Farming magazine published by the Soil Association and writes regularly for CountySmallholder magazine. Her book, Living on an acre or less, was published by Green Books in 2016 and The Healthy Vegetable Garden, by Chelsea Green in 2021.

    Articles by

    Sally Morgan

    Tulips, chill and climate change

    Sally Morgan 14-Sep-2022

    Tulip bulbs are back in garden centres – read about how climate change, and the chill in the air, can affect tulips. Get hints and tips to help you make the best of this garden favourite. Read more

    Voting with my fork: plant foods I’m not buying any more

    Sally Morgan 16-Feb-2022

    Sometimes, I wish I didn’t know the backstory to some foods, so I could happily buy them at the local shops and not think twice. But I do and here is my list of foods I won’t be buying again plus others that will require careful buying choices. Read more

    In praise of parsnip flowers and seeds

    Sally Morgan 08-Jul-2021

    What are those yellow flowers?  Its a common question asked by visitors to the plot at this time of year. The eye-catching flowers that tower above everything else are parsnips.  It’s a shame that more don’t keep their parsnips in the ground overwinter and let them flower. Not only are they attractive plants with their… Continue reading In praise of parsnip flowers and seeds Read more

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