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  • Pete Blunsdon

    Pete Blunsdon bio

    Pete runs Root Cause Organics, an experimental microholding in Buckinghamshire, alongside Ayesha. Having started out as a scientist and an engineer and despite selling their souls to IT, they haven’t lost their passion for learning and building. Together they aim to save the world, one over-engineered project at a time.

    Articles by

    Pete Blunsdon

    How to build your own aquaponics greenhouse – Part 3

    Pete Blunsdon 17-Jun-2018

    In Part 3 of his how to build your own aquaponics greenhouse adventure, Root Cause Organic’s Pete Blunsdon covers the all important growing media, the plants and the fish. Read more

    How to build your own aquaponics greenhouse (Part 2)

    Pete Blunsdon 10-Jun-2018

    Pete Blunsdon of Root Cause Organics continues his series of guest posts about how to build your own aquaponics greenhouse. In Part 2, he gets to grips with the all important plumbing. Read more

    How to build your own aquaponics greenhouse (Part 1)

    Pete Blunsdon 15-May-2018

    Pete Blunsdon of Root Cause Organics, an experimental microholding in Buckinghamshire, shares the first in a series of guest posts about how he built his very own aquaponics greenhouse and how you can do the same. It’s over to Pete from here… Read more

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