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  • Rokiah Yaman

    Rokiah Yaman bio

    Rokiah Yaman co-founded LEAP Micro AD to develop advanced anaerobic digestion technology as part of a decentralised, circular, food-waste-energy model designed to support local employment and training opportunities, manage organic resources sustainably, engage people around zero waste and strengthen community resilience.

    Articles by

    Rokiah Yaman

    How to support anaerobic digestion for biogas and compost in communities

    Rokiah Yaman 19-Jan-2022

    SOURCE turns food waste into energy, fertiliser and compost to grow healthy crops and create local jobs – in the heart of our cities! Read more

    Cargo bikes collecting local food waste for anaerobic digestion and biogas

    Rokiah Yaman 20-Jul-2015

    Closing the food-waste-energy loop – a celebration of sustainability. Enjoy a free community event in a beautiful wildlife park learning about closed-loop recycling, urban agriculture, sustainable cities, decentralised waste management, renewable gas and how YOU can make a difference. Read more

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