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  • Roger Hallam

    Roger Hallam bio

    Roger Hallam organised the How to Do It conference in 2016, and went on to found Extinction Rebellion.

    Articles by

    Roger Hallam

    Come to the ‘How to do it’ gathering next weekend to talk about system change – full programme and timetable

    Roger Hallam 31-Mar-2016

    We blogged in January about the ‘How to do it’ conference about grassroots change that’s happening next weekend in London. There are still places available – book your free ticket here. Read more

    Introducing the ‘How to do it’ conference on how to change the system from grassroots, London, April 9-10

    Roger Hallam 23-Jan-2016

    There are many ideas out there on how to change the world – but very few include a strategy for implementing those ideas. Implementation is key. I had a conversation the other day with Roger Hallam, who used to be involved with Radical Routes, has lived in various communities and now Read more

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