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  • Elisabeth Winkler

    Elisabeth Winkler bio

    I am a journalist, writer, editor and communications consultant, based in Bristol and London, UK. My health depends on what I eat. That is not intellectual. It is my body talking. If you want to eat healthily on a budget, cook from scratch. For eight years I was editor of the Soil Association magazine and now help organic and green companies, and social justice causes.

    Articles by

    Elisabeth Winkler

    How new straw-bale homes could help solve the housing crisis

    Elisabeth Winkler 31-Mar-2015

    In an ordinary street in Bristol, UK, something extraordinary is happening. All of the seven houses are made with straw. Read more

    Protest to save food-growing land in Bristol

    Elisabeth Winkler 13-Mar-2015

    Protestors are occupying trees in Bristol, UK, on food-growing land threatened by a controversial road-building scheme. Evictions started yesterday, after Bristol City council won a High Court possession order. Read more

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