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  • Rachel Petheram

    Rachel Petheram bio

    Dr Rachel Petheram is an artisan florist, a gardener and a teacher. She was one of the original grower/florists who were part of the revival of using British grown flowers in floristry. She now runs Catkin English Country Flowers, providing flowers, courses and one-to-one training.

    Articles by

    Rachel Petheram

    How to buy flowers for someone you love without being part of an environmental nightmare: interview with Rachel Petheram of Catkin Flowers

    Rachel Petheram 04-Nov-2016

    You don’t want to show someone you love them by damaging the environment, do you? It sounds unromantic, but it’s really difficult to buy flowers in the UK that aren’t sprayed with huge amounts of pesticides, doused with chemical preservatives and flown half way across the world. Read more

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