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  • Paul Mobbs

    Paul Mobbs bio

    Paul Mobbs has been working with community groups for almost forty years. Since 1992, as a freelance researcher, writer and environmental consultant specialising in the needs of community-based campaigns, NGOs and small companies, he has generated a large quantity of materials for local campaigns – much of which he gives away for free via the FRAW web site. His work spans a many areas: from planning, pollution and environmental regulation; the work of local and national government; historical archive research; and tying it all together, the use of computers and information and communications technology to empower community campaigns and ‘data activism’. His web site provides his written work, as well as presentations, handouts, and some videos of my past and present activities.

    Articles by

    Paul Mobbs

    Incredible ‘Frackogram 2015’ shows the many links of vested interest within the fracking industry and government

    Paul Mobbs 17-Apr-2015

    In July 2013 I produced a very rudimentary ‘map’of the connections related to un/conventional fossil fuels at the heart of Government. Finally, after two years of research, I have now produced the final detailed version – the Frackogram 2015 Read more

    Every picture tells a story: the elites behind the fracking industry

    Paul Mobbs 06-Aug-2013

    NB: for a larger image click here. Let’s get one thing clear, this is not about conspiracy theories. This isn’t about a powerful elite meeting in darkened rooms to fondle their fluffy white cats whilst talking in menacing tones. Read more

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