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  • Oliver Swann

    Oliver Swann bio

    Managing director of Natural Homes

    Articles by

    Oliver Swann

    Can you adopt a natural builder for 3 nights in exchange for a free VIP ticket to Ecobuild?

    Oliver Swann 26-Feb-2016

    Ecobuild is a three-day natural building exhibition at the Excel Centre in London from the 8th to the 10th of March. Ecobuild is the leading UK exhibition and conference for the construction and energy market Read more

    Monstanto 1, Vernon 0 – choose your side and get involved!

    Oliver Swann 07-Jun-2013

    Monsanto, one of three companies that control 53% of the world’s commercial seed market, has sued hundreds of small farmers in the United States in recent years to protect its patents on genetically-engineered seeds. Read more

    Pembrokeshire says this home is “harmful to the rural character of the locality” and must be demolished

    Oliver Swann 23-Mar-2013

    Charlie, who built this beautiful straw bale roundhouse, is a young man with a young family and like many finds it impossible to afford a home. In Charlie’s case he had three things going for him. Read more

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