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  • Grandfather Michael

    Grandfather Michael bio

    Michael Baker is a grandfather committed to social and eco-spiritual change. He co-founded Old Hall Community, Suffolk. in 1973 and is a Findhorn Foundation (Scotland) Resource Person. He travelled extensively, visiting communities in the US and journeyed with indigenous leaders of Central America. He featured in the film Land Awakening by Raul Alvarez. He’s currently developing an internet community, Being Nature.

    Articles by

    Grandfather Michael

    Life in an intentional community – a healthier and more sustainable way to live

    Grandfather Michael 10-Apr-2018

    If I hadn’t fired up my vision to form and live in an intentional community some 45 years ago I wouldn’t have learnt cheese making, selected and planted an orchard of rare species of fruit trees, co-organized arts festivals, learnt and practiced conflict resolution and given my three sons an opportunity to broaden their horizons. Read more

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