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  • Nigel Berman

    Nigel Berman bio

    School of the Wild was founded in 2014 by Nigel Berman. Nigel says, “At the time I was running an online eco-retail business helping people be more sustainable. I’d spent the best part of the previous decade running that business, but retail was changing and I was struggling with the pressures. I became very stressed, slipped a disc, and in truth, lost my purpose... And then I started to spend more time outside. It felt like coming home. I discovered a deep love of nature and wild spaces. I sat round fires that had been made without matches. I learned to make rope from plants, and pots from river clay. I ate wild food and listened more closely to the birds. I met some really interesting people and had meaningful conversations with them, and I noticed how much it changed my mindset and gave me energy for new possibilities.

    Articles by

    Nigel Berman

    If society collapses, which skills will you wish you’d learnt?

    Nigel Berman 16-Nov-2016

    Here’s a conversation between Dave of Lowimpact.org and Nigel Berman of ‘School of the Wild’. Nigel teaches appreciation of nature and wilderness, and he’s provided us with information for our topic introduction on ‘firecraft’. Read more

    Do you know which of these wild berries you can eat?

    Nigel Berman 13-Nov-2015

    At Our Edible Landscape, the most recent School of the Wild event, facilitator Milly set us the Wild Berry Challenge, so we’re putting the challenge to you. Identify the berries below, and decide if you’d eat them. Read more

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